There's no greater disaster in a factory than having a production line close down, but keeping too much inventory on hand is expensive. As you pay more attention to inventory costs, look to J&B for help in controlling them. Through our years of experience in customer inventory and supply chain management, we provide just-in-time (JIT) delivery - reliably getting products to your door just before you need them.


Using J&B's stocking program and Just-in-Time shipping, the space you once used for inventory can now be put to work for the benefit of your business in other ways. The increased cash flow resulting from less on-hand inventory frees up your cash to be used more productively in growing your company. Since we all know the value of information is priceless and you need inventory information to plan production, J&B's advanced inventory management systems provides you access and visibility into your inventory levels.


The professionals at J&B have years of valuable experience in manufacturing and distribution industries, which is put to use daily in inventory control, bill of material processing, manufacturing planning, purchasing and delivering activities. Orders, inventory, forecasts and other demand is reviewed every day by our talented MRP team and communicated to our suppliers as requirements change. On-time delivery of your products is what you expect and what our team strives for each and every day.


The effect of J&B's investment in warehouse technology is the automation of storage control and inventory movement, thereby achieving almost perfect accuracy, eliminating extra material handling and wasted time spent looking for products. Through the use of barcode scanners/printers and a wireless infrastructure, J&B achieves warehouse cost savings that result in lower storage cost for you and near perfect inventory counts.


J&B operates a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ), which provides certain U.S. Customs benefits, cost savings and security. This benefits ALL of our customers, but those benefits are even greater if you're an FTZ operator yourself. Contact J&B to realize additional cost savings that can be yours if you export or add value through your manufacturing process.